Où nous sommes

Copyright notice

The content of the site "The Christian catacombs of Rome", owned by the Salesian Institute St.Callixtus in Rome, is granted for personal use.

The texts. On request is authorized the reproduction of texts, but only for religious and educational purposes, provided that:
- They are not already copyrighted by other institutions or publishers;
- Are reproduced in full;
- Bring the link to the homepage of the original site.

Images. The images are copyrighted material and may not be reproduced without the written permission of their owner. The Pontifical Commission for Sacred Archaeology has granted the use of ten images in the catacombs of St.Callixtus, individually listed on the site. To obtain permission to reproduce it must send the request.

Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra
Via Napoleone III, 1 - 00185 ROMA - Italy
Tel. +39 06 446 56 10 - Fax +39 06 446 76
E.mail protocollo@arcsacra.va